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I am super excited to announce my brand new lesson video, Techniques & Mechanics. With a run time of just under 2 hours and 15 minutes, this lesson is a breakdown of everything I could possibly think of that relates to the physical aspects of my drumming. About 6 years ago, I put out a lesson video called Drum Set Hand Technique and while I am very proud of the concepts that I taught in that lesson, it was a very cheaply made video and the production was quite poor. I felt it was a good time to replace that lesson with something of much higher production quality but I also wanted to include a lot more information on the physical aspects of drumming. Over the last couple of years, I have invested in a lot of new equipment and upgrades for my studio so that I could produce much higher quality lesson content. I am extremely proud of the production quality of this new lesson video that I have created for JSCOTTDRUMMER.NET. I have packed this lesson with a large amount of information. Below is a list of topics I cover in the lesson:



Throne Height & Foot Technique 

Snare Setup 

Ride Setup 

Tom Setup 

Side Snare Setup 

Crash Cymbal Setup 

Technique Philosophy 

German Grip 

American Grip 

French Grip 

Backhand Stroke 

Moeller Technique 

Prep Strokes 

Economy of Motion 

Weak Hand Development 

Practice Kit 

Sticks & Practice Pads 

Playing Quietly 

Jazz Drumming 

Warmup Tips 

Speed & Stamina training


A huge amount of time, energy, and money went into creating this lesson video and I really hope you enjoy it.

Techniques & Mechanics


    ©2018-2019 by J Scott Drummer.

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